I am amzed at the amount of response from my last blog. Some of you commented here. Some replied by email. A few responded in person. I really appreciated all the feedback. I especially enjoyed the encouragement. My favorite comment came from one who has had a very frustrating year. What could be more frustrating than the illness and treatment of your young child. Mrs. A. B., thank you very much for encouragement and perspective. You even offered a plan. I am going to offer it to those who find their way here. We all need to P.U.S.H. (No, I am not giving childbirth advice.) P.U.S.H means "Pray Until Something Happens." I am often guilty of "Stopping because nothing happens." I am going to PUSH this week, will you join me?
I am also unfrustrated because I baptized two brothers today, had a freedom in the pulpit, and had a good SS class with about 10 of the children in our Hmong mission.
"Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me to sometimes vent. Thank you for bringing "Fellow Travelers" across my way to encourage and challenge me.
By the way, I will spend this week with 1000 children in Siloam Springs at Kids Camp. About 20 of them will be from FBC. Far from frustrating - this will be a good week. I enjoy the innocence of their worship before God. I also enjoy seeing God call them to Himself. And He lets me be a part of it all!!
I am also unfrustrated because I baptized two brothers today, had a freedom in the pulpit, and had a good SS class with about 10 of the children in our Hmong mission.
"Dear God,
Thank you for allowing me to sometimes vent. Thank you for bringing "Fellow Travelers" across my way to encourage and challenge me.
By the way, I will spend this week with 1000 children in Siloam Springs at Kids Camp. About 20 of them will be from FBC. Far from frustrating - this will be a good week. I enjoy the innocence of their worship before God. I also enjoy seeing God call them to Himself. And He lets me be a part of it all!!
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