The Joy of Noise
It is Sunday afternoon. I am sitting in my office. There is a lot of "noise" in the building. There is a Hmong language mission that has met in our church for the past year. I can hear their youth singing, playing drums. My son (Andrew) just finished leading the children in Sunday School. They were a little noisy when I first arrived. The adults have had their Sunday School and are in worship right now. I could sit in, but I would not understand the words. I have peeked in before and I do understand the "look" of worship on their faces.
In our service today there were several visitors. About 40 children were in children's church. I was not there, but I can imagine the noise.
I am so glad for the noise, I believe that God is pleased as well. There are churches all over today that are quiet this afternoon. They sit - clean, sterile, almost deathly quiet. I pray that God will bless us with more noise. I am glad that it is a chore to keep our building clean. I ask that God will show us how to make more trash.
Church buildings were made for one thing - people. People make noise. Our church is noisy this afternoon, I hope yours is too.
In our service today there were several visitors. About 40 children were in children's church. I was not there, but I can imagine the noise.
I am so glad for the noise, I believe that God is pleased as well. There are churches all over today that are quiet this afternoon. They sit - clean, sterile, almost deathly quiet. I pray that God will bless us with more noise. I am glad that it is a chore to keep our building clean. I ask that God will show us how to make more trash.
Church buildings were made for one thing - people. People make noise. Our church is noisy this afternoon, I hope yours is too.