Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Difference Obedience Makes

I am preparing a special message for Sunday. I have the privilege of preacing at Yellowstone Baptist Church in Cody, Wyoming for their 10th anniversary. It was just a little more than 10 years ago when my family visited Cody and YBC the first time. I preached for them at a Mexican Restaurant. By October I was the first pastor of a small group of believers meeting in a storefront. What a wonderful four years it was.

The Scripture God has taken me to is to contrasting passages in the OT. The first recounts the children of Israel failing to go Canaan after the majority of spies said "We Can't." But forty years later the spies (only 2 this time) said it was a sure thing, let's go, AND the people went. What a difference it made when the people of God, hear the voice of God, and in the power of God, OBEY God!!!! If (when!) any of us as individuals or a church fail to follow God in obedience we miss God's best. What to do? OBEY.

God has a plan to bless us. He has given His promises. All that we need to do is Obey. Like the priests that bore the Ark - we must step out by faith, expecting God to make a way when there seems to be no way. Do you want to see God work in a greater way in your life, in your church? Listen to Him and Obey.

Thursday, July 09, 2009


On Wednesday Evenings I am leading a study called KNOW FEAR by Ed Young, Jr. This week we looked at the fear of failure. I believe that the fear of failure strongly affects Christians. I believe it especially can hinder those who have been saved a long time. Why? because we have suffered through failure, we have been hurt, we have been beat on by the world. When I was pastoring my first church, I was had no doubt that i would succeed. I am a bit more cautious now. That can be a good thing, but it can also morph into settling for mediocrity. Fear of failure is a real hindrance to revival. That leads many to say "We tried that and it did not work!" What we really mean is "We failed and don't want to fail again."

I want to see revival. I want to see my life touched by a fresh touch from God. I want to see the church I serve experience the wind of the Holy Spirit. Wind is unpredictable. Wind can be subtle or awesome. We can use the wind, but never control it. The Holy Spirit is described as "like a wind." I say - let it blow.

Is there a far that stops you from fully trusting God, walking with God, and seeing the greatness of His power? Allow Him to remove the fears, fill you up, lead you, and do wonderful, awesome things through you.