Tuesday, August 25, 2009


It is that time again. The start of a school year. Do you remember the beginning of school each year? Summer was over. Haircuts (for boys), school clothes shopping, school supplies (including those wonderful new boxes of Crayons). Some years were more eventlful than others. First grade - BIG. Junior High/Middle school - awesome - new building, a teacher for each class, lockers. High School - nearing the end - especially Senior Year (wooohooooo). College - a little fear, personal responsibility.

We have two in school. Andrew is beginning his Sophmore year of College at the University of Arkansas. He already knows after one day that it will be hard - three Lit. classes with a major paper in each, Spanish taught by a teacher who is fluent in Spanish (not so fluent in English). Benjamin begins Middle School tomorrow at East Helena, Montana Middle School.

Every time something new begins - new job, new house, new school year, new season of the year I can't help but think of the renewal that God gives to those who love Him. We can start fresh. We can change (actually be changed). Even if last year was a bad year, and even if it was bad because of my choices, I can experience freshness.

Just like that brand new box of Crayons. None missing. The colors of the rainbow (the 24 count is my favorite). No broken ones. All with sharp points. Just waiting to produce a work of art, or just to doodle a little. That is how it is with God's renewal. Opportunities abound. Everything new.

I hope you have found the ultimate renewal in Christ through salvation. He really does make all things new. If you are a believer already, I pray that from time to time you seek His ever renewing power.


Friday, August 14, 2009


God did not make us to be "Lone Rangers." He created us for relationship. His greatest gift is salvation - relationship to Holy God through the Son. His greatest gift to humankind is family - centered in the marriage relationship (and used by Him to illustrate the salvation relationship.) When we are saved, we become a part of His family - relationship. Jesus Christ gave us the Church - relationship. As a Christian I cannot function properly without being in relationship to the body.

When I think of the things that are most important to me, those things worth more than silver and gold, I find relationship. Of course my relationship to Marla - 26 years - and wonderful. I love my family. Recently we had the privilege of spending two weeks with our families. Last Sunday we spent the evening with Tracy and Kinsey. Tracy and I went to school and church together long before I knew Marla. She and Marla are good friends - her family used to live across the street from us when I was an Associate Pastor in Ft. Smith, AR. (We once went out of town and returned to find our house cleaned up - a gift from Tracy!) Why would we drive 2 1/2 hours one way for a few hours to visit? Relationship. I recently spent a few days in Cody, Wyoming for the 10th anniversary of YBC. It has been 6 years, but there is a special bond because of relationships. My first church to pastor was in McAlester, OK. Gwen and Pauline Engleman were special to Marla and me. It has been 18 years since I served there, but when I got an email from Pauline the other day it felt nice - relationship.

Don't miss out on God's best for you. Do earthly relationships sometimes sour? Yes, but don't withdraw. Instead, draw close to Him and His Church. He made you to enjoy these relationships. They are worth it.