Tuesday, October 20, 2009


I follow several blogs, written by pastors, and find a disturbing trend. It seems that most of the pastors I know express only the difficulties of ministry. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I am a "glass is half full" kind of person. I have faced my own share of difficulties in ministry, but that is really a small slice of how I would describe my life.

Yes, I have had disgruntled members in my office who (in their own eyes) represented lots of others. I have had notes passed to me on prayer request cards that were critical of staff, music, sermons. I have had a few leave the church (some the local body, some just quit going anywhere). All of these things hurt. My sons have not always understood why we did not have newer cars, bigger vacations, etc. But, the good of ministry FAR outweighs these negative experiences. If one of my sons felt called to be a pastor - I would be happy for them - not only because of God's calling, but because of the joy I knew they would experience. I wake up most every day and thank God for calling me to ministry. If I was talking with young seminary students I would tell them about the joy of ministry.

Let me share a few of the joys of ministry!! This past Sunday a man I had talked to early in the week accepted Christ as Savior! A children's SS class gave me a giant card for Pastor Appreciation they had made. The church had a dinner in my families honor to show there love. Several others gave cards, gifts, and very warm words of gratitude. I can see several young adults from other places I have served who are serving Jesus today. I have been able to experience lots of things with my family. My 12 year old son has been on more mission trips than many adults. My 19 year old has been on a trip to Thailand. We have friends and all over the world.

Is ministry hard? Sure, sometimes. Is it draining? Yes. Is it fun? YOU BET! Maybe I have just served all the good churches, but I don't think so. Sometimes, even preachers need to think about the Hymn "Count your blessings, name them one by one, and it will surprise you what the Lord has done." I truly enjoy my calling and hope you do, too.

Friday, October 09, 2009


I am sitting in my office this morning looking out at cold, gray skies, a little snow, and the evidence of the change of seasons in Montana. I do not know about you, but I like all the seasons. I like Fall - evidenced by crisp mornings, changing colors of the trees, the restlessness of the buck deer that roam the church yard, and the smell of a warming fire in the air. I also like Winter's cold, Spring's blossom's, and, yes, Summer's heat.

I see God pictured in the seasons as well. God takes His children and His churches through different seasons, each one with its own blessings, potential for growth, and fresh encounters with Him. I know, in my life God has led me through many different seasons. Some of them were a little like the 30 below of January in Montana, but when looking back I see some neat things God taught me in those times. (Can there be anything good about 30 below? Yes. Being inside with family or friends because there just isn't as much competition for time is one thing.) He has also led me through some seasons of warmth and growth - and these help color the cold seasons with a warmer color.

I believe God is leading South Hills through a special season right now. I believe it is a season of growing in unity and strength. He is also leading us in a season of growth. There are six or so couples and families that have been coming regularly. Several have stated their intention of making this their church home. Several of these are new Christians, but there have been a few strong believers come as well. It is exciting. Our new Sunday School class is growing. We had eleven last Sunday, and over half were not in any SS a month ago.

Here is one of the things I have learned about seasons: ENJOY THEM ALL! You may have a favorite, but learn to enjoy them all. Don't spend too much time fretting about what season it isn't, and live in the season that is now. Sometimes I want God to skip the present season for one more to my liking, but I am learning that He gives me what I need, and I can enjoy the season. Do I want to see my church grow exponentially? Yes, but I also enjoy the season we are in, learning each other, about each other. Growing deeper so we have a foundation that will stand when we grow upward and outward.

I hope you are in a pleasing season. I remember my first horseback hunt in Wyoming. David, one of my deacons, took this Arkansan out in the mountains, in the snow, at about 10 degrees. I could have focused on the hard saddle, stinging ice pellets, and burning fingertips, but instead I marvelled at frozen waterfalls, sure-footed horses, elk, and mountain grandeur. What made the difference? I was traveling with a companion. He knew the trail, the horses, and we were friends. On another hunt with David, we got lost and spent the night away from camp, but even that night is looked on with fondness because of companions. Make sure you have God as your companion, and then you can enjoy God's seasons.
