Friday, October 15, 2010


Our church - South Hills Baptist Fellowship just finished the last of four days of meetings with Evangelist Rick Ingle and Music Evangelist Phillip Willis. I know Revival will continue because of the faithfulness of God's people to respond to His blessings. A 17 year old young man and two children made public their professions of faith in these services. Many Christians came to the altar each service to pray, and many had invited friends. One young lady, who is new to the area, came at the invitation of a co-worker. She was so excited when she drove up and saw "Baptist" in the name because she was raised in a Baptist Church in Kansas. (Glad we had not taken it out of our name because she said she would be back.)

These days were a vivid reminder of God's plan. Some are retreating - "when you preach the truth, people leave, so we are satisfied with our Holy Huddle." Some have a persecution complex - "It is so hard in Montana." But God is true to His plan and promise. Everywhere, in every culture, in every time that the Gosple is faithfully preached some are saved.

I have personally been challenged to be more faithful in my witness. Bro Rick Ingle preaches the same message, in the same way, from the same Bible in pioneer areas as he does in the "Bible Belt." In recent years he has seen a greater response in pioneer areas than in the South. God help us all to trust Your powerful Word to build Your Kingdom.