Saturday, September 30, 2006

Ouachita Baptist University

On Thursday I attended the Pastor's Conference on the letters of John at OBU. It was a good experience. Dean, Scott Duvall, put together a good conference for those who will teach the January Bible Study. There were two highlights, one was expected.

The first highlight was a presentation by Barbara Pemberton on comparative religions. She shared a unique way of discussing beliefs of other groups. She was extremely clear that salvation is only through the Christ of Scripture. She shared several firsthand opportunities she had experienced sharing the Gospel. She also displayed a genuine heart for students to be well grounded in doctrine so they will not be vulnerable to other religions.

The other highlight was the session on Preaching from the Letters of John. It was led by the new president of OBU, Rex Horne, previously pastor of Immanuel Church in Little Rock. I am glad he is at OBU. I believe that our Baptist schools are positively impacted when they are led by qualified men from the ministry.

On a Scriptural note, it was repeated by several of the conference speakers that when John says "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another" (1 John 1:7), he would have been expected to say "we have fellowship with Him." That is true, but John is emphasizing that we cannot be right with God and wrong with the brothers. Our horizontal fellowship is an indicator of our vertical relationship.

All in all a good day, enjoyable, informative, and reassuring.


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