This is South Hills Baptist Fellowsip. The church sits on about 15 acres bordering I-15. We are up on a hill. For those from FBC Waldron you will be interested to know that the church sees itself as a "Lighthouse," and there is a lighthouse on the Van. So, if you ever decide to get rid of the buses, bring them up.
This is the community around South Hills Baptist Fellowship. The mountains in the background have quite a bit of snow now. Last Wednesday there were 12 deer in the church yard. Thought I would include this so you'll know a little about us.

Have you ever been just blindsided by God's goodness? I was this week. On Monday morning I got up, took Benjamin to school, and headed over to church. It was cold. I decided to have breakfast at the "Hardware Cafe," owned by a church member. As I passed the bank, I noticed the sign said "-18." It was cold. I ate breakfast, drank coffee, and enjoyed talking with some folks. I dreaded going outside because it was cold. I drove over to church, went to my office, and turned on the heater. Looking out the window I saw a guy walking up the drive and I thought "It's Monday, cold, and here comes someone needing a handout." (I was partly right.) I let him in. Rudy was a nice looking young man, 19 years old, and wanted to talk to the pastor. We went in my office and for about 10 minutes he poured out his heart. He is a hockey player in Helena, recent High School grad., trying to earn a college scholarship. Things just were not working out for him, he was miserable. I briefly shared the Gospel with him and he prayed to receive Christ. I gave him a Bible and he said "How do you use a Bible." We talked some more and he left. God is so good. Pray that he will come to services.
Last night I taught the TNT 7th graders. After class a Dad brought his 8 year old son to my office. Nolan asked Jesus to be his Savior.
I like to be suprised, especially by God's goodness!! Hope He sneaks up on you this week, too.