Have you ever allowed God to take you out of your comfort zone? You know what your comfort zone is, don't you? It is that place where you feel at ease. You can relax. You move and work from your natural abilities. I believe that every believer should learn to identify their gifts. Spiritual Gifts are right in the middle of our comfort zone and we will find some of our most fulfulling ministry there.
But, sometimes God wants to stretch us a little. It is easy to become self-sufficient if we do all our ministry only where we are comfortable. Mission trips often pull us out of the normal routine and cause us to be more dependent on Christ. Maybe you always teach adults, or you do not see teaching as your gift. Why don't you consider that God wants to stretch you a little. Maybe you need to work with kids in VBS, or invite the youth to your home for a fellowship.
I have recently been stretched by God a little. After 19 years as a pastor, a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree, and a Doctorate, God has placed me ---- as a------ Girl Scout Leader!!! Out of my Comfort Zone! I am serving as the leader for four girls who are working on their "God and Family" badge. Was I reluctant? A little. Am I nervous? A lot. Do I stumble a little. Oh Boy.
Like this past Sunday we were studying foundations. I asked for examples. I was thinking "concrete," "bricks," "steel," ("ARH, ARH, ARH"), but what did I get? Make-up. MAKE-UP! I do not even know if it is one word, two words, or hyphenated!! But guess what! I am having a ball. I would have never chosen "Girl Scouts" from a list of possible ministries to consider, but God did and He is blessing me. I know that my ministry will be richer, and my impact broader because of it. Why not ask God how He wants to grow and bless you outside your comfort zone?
But, sometimes God wants to stretch us a little. It is easy to become self-sufficient if we do all our ministry only where we are comfortable. Mission trips often pull us out of the normal routine and cause us to be more dependent on Christ. Maybe you always teach adults, or you do not see teaching as your gift. Why don't you consider that God wants to stretch you a little. Maybe you need to work with kids in VBS, or invite the youth to your home for a fellowship.
I have recently been stretched by God a little. After 19 years as a pastor, a Bachelor's Degree, a Master's Degree, and a Doctorate, God has placed me ---- as a------ Girl Scout Leader!!! Out of my Comfort Zone! I am serving as the leader for four girls who are working on their "God and Family" badge. Was I reluctant? A little. Am I nervous? A lot. Do I stumble a little. Oh Boy.
Like this past Sunday we were studying foundations. I asked for examples. I was thinking "concrete," "bricks," "steel," ("ARH, ARH, ARH"), but what did I get? Make-up. MAKE-UP! I do not even know if it is one word, two words, or hyphenated!! But guess what! I am having a ball. I would have never chosen "Girl Scouts" from a list of possible ministries to consider, but God did and He is blessing me. I know that my ministry will be richer, and my impact broader because of it. Why not ask God how He wants to grow and bless you outside your comfort zone?
Just don't start using "makeup"!!Wish I was there to help, that's right up my hair stylist alley!! Use to do that with all the girls at the Baptist Children's Village in MS.
I remembered that. As a matter of fact I used that as an illustration at a pastor's retreat the other day. We were studying Titus and how the more mature women should teach the younger women. I said, we need some Christian ladies who can lovingly teach Christian beauty and modesty without being preachy.
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