Monday, October 16, 2006

The Costliness of Compromise

I have been preaching a Sunday series through the Book of Judges. It is both interesting and heart breaking. Israel should be enjoying the sunshine years, but is instead weathering the dark night of the soul. The people should be basking in the "land flowing with milk and honey," but are instead suffering in a land of enemies and oppressors. At least in the wilderness wanderings they acknowledged God, but know they are going after other gods.

Now, did they decide to rebel against God? Did they commit to follow other gods? Did they choose to no longer be His people? No. What, then, brought them to this place? What horrible sin? What heinous crime? Compromise, partial obedience, failure to do ALL God commanded. Only of Caleb is it said "he drove out" the former inhabitants where he settled. Caleb, one of the original spies who said "yes we can take it."

Oh, God, give us some Calebs. Caleb was an old man by this time. He had seen much. But his obedience to God's plan was clear and resolute.

The time of the Judges will haunt Israel for over 400 years, all because of compromise. Lord, drive out from my life those enemies that divide my allegiance to you.


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